domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Oh la bella Italia!

This year the 4th eso go to Italy in school trip for "celebrate" what we finished the ESO.In the travel I fell in love of Rome,I'ts very.very,very beautyful,the piazza spagna is very pretty and the Fontana di Trevi is most beautiful than the moon!
Firenze is really same to Barcelona,the people are different,it is like to compare Barcelona and Madrid, they are cities but the people are different.
Pisa and Siena are most same at the Spain towns,Siena for example,have a part very beautyful,Fields,old streets of stone and certainly a beautiful cathedral and the biggest square.The pisa tower and the cathedral are...I don't have words for describe this wonderful trip,friends,teachers,other schools,...ALL everything was memorable and something that I will never forget :)

The photos are arranged as they were maked ;)

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