I need an easy friendI do... with an ear to lend
I do... think you fit this shoe
I do... but you have a clue
I'll take advantage while
You hang me out to dry
But I can't see you every night
I'm standing in your line
I do... hope you have the time
I do... pick a number too
I do... keep a date with you
Necessitouna amigafàcilJotambé... una que m'escolti
Jotambé ... una que pensi jo sóc l'indicada
Jotambé,,, però tu tens una pista
prendré aventatge mentres hem penges a secar
NoPuc veure't totes lesNitsLliurement...
ho sé
Estic aturaten una líniaho sé... espero que tinguis temps
ho sé ...tria el número dos
ho faig...tingues una cita amb mi
ho sé
pendre aventatge mentre hem penges a secar
però no puc veure't totes les nits
ho sé ...
Necessitouna amigafàcilJotambé... una que m'escolti
Jotambé ... una que pensi jo sóc l'indicada
Jotambé,,, però tu tens una pista
pendre avantatge mentre hem penges a secarperò no puc veure't totes les nits
ho sé ,jo,jo ho sé
likethis songbecause
ithasa memory of this summer and the birthday party of my best friend Cleo,The songs is very sad,but i love it.
Today i make a post with 10 things without which it might not live.
1-Music(In the left side there is a musical reproductor with some indispensable songs) 2-My photografies --> Flickr
3-The films-->Movies as:Thelma and Louise,Grease,The wall,Scusa si te chiamo amore,....
4-My violin
5-My friends
6-My brother-->he has 9 years old
7-My "Sisters"-->They are not my sisters, but as if they it were
8-My other blog-->in this blog i writing about my life and my sensations
9-My computer!
10-The books